Trivia quiz for kids, trivia quizzes for kids, animal trivia quiz

Trivia Quiz For Kids Picture Trivia 008 – B Animals

Picture Trivia

Trivia quiz for kids, trivia quizzes for kids, animal trivia quizThis is the PERFECT trivia quiz for kids because it’s pictures of animals that start with B.  I mention kids because a lot of times the trivia you’re finding online is way too hard for children. Let’s face it, most trivia quizzes are geared toward adults.  But, hey, kids want to play too! This works great since there isn’t any words or sentences to read. All they need to do is take a look at the picture, then choose the correct name of the animal.  Being multiple choice makes it even more accessible. This is why this is one of the best trivia quizzes for kids

By the way, adults: Feel free to play this one, too!  It’s not as easy as it looks and I’ve definitely threw in some trivia surprises.  Animals that start with B, an animal trivia quiz for all ages.  Scroll down to see the first picture, select whichever answer you think is correct, then click the NEXT button. There are 12 animals in this quiz. Have a blast!

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It’s Not Just A Trivia Quiz for Kids…

That’s right! It’s still going to be a little challenging for adults, especially if you’re not an animal person!  There are so many B animals I skipped over, simply because we do not have enough room for all of them. This isn’t Noah’s Ark!

Some Interesting B Animals Not Found In The Trivia Quiz Above

babirusa, trivia quiz for kidsThe Bairusa!  An Indonesian native, it’s a wild hog that looks like a mix between a deer and a pig of some kind. Smooth-skinned and omnivorous (meaning the eat vegetables, fruits, and nuts), only the male of the species have those curvy little horns on their face.!  No, it’s not the snake from the Harry Potter books and movies. It’s an actual lizard that hails from the rainforests of South and Central America.

awesome animals that start with b

Bilby!  What is that thing?  It kind of looks like a bandicoot, mouse, or rabbit.  It’s actually a breed of bandicoot.


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