In this useless trivia knowledge quiz, I’ve put the trivia question of the day! It’s about a woman who has been in the news in 2020 and it has to do with an action that President Trump took recently. She is no longer with us but her actions are still echoing throughout the country to this day. I’m not going to give up the answer, but I would call that question, located somewhere in the quiz below, the most pertinent as I post this. It’s 12 trivia questions I’m sure will challenge you, delight your senses, and also, thanks to question 11, make your stomach growl! Have fun with this one and be sure to SHARE it with your friends and family!
This quiz no longer exists
The Trivia Question of the Day is all about Money!
Yes, it in reference to a coin. People have always found coin trivia interesting. The reason I enjoy it so much is because there’s SO MUCH in regards to fun facts when it comes to coins! For instance, in a previous quiz, I ask about which coin costs the most to produce. The point of this little tidbit of information is to relay the crazy fact that a .05 nickel actually costs MORE to produce than it’s face value. It costs over .07 cents to make a nickel. That’s our US Government for you.
Trivia Question of the Month?

Or, more to the point, trivia about the months. Each month of the year has a birthstone, a flower, and a color! Actually, many months have more than one of each. Of all the months, which one is, on average, the coldest in the northern Hemisphere? It’s January. February is probably most famous for giving us leap day. March is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. April has a birthstone of diamond. May is named after Maia, the goddess of spring…makes sense. June has two flowers, the rose and the honeysuckle. July is the month of the birth of our nation, the US of A. Emperor Augustus Caesar named August after…himself. No ego there, eh? September is the month of the first day of fall, a look forward to changing leaves and winter. October’s colors are white and yellow. November is the month of the Thanksgiving holiday. And, finally, December is Christmas, Hannukah, and Boxing Day. No, it’s not about the sport. It’s about when the wealthiest Canadians would “box up” gifts that they would distribute to the poor. I don’t know about you, but that little bit of trivia makes my day!