Trivia Night, online trivia quiz, general knowledge trivia

Trivia Night At Home Useless Trivia Knowledge Quiz 017

General Knowledge Trivia Useless Trivia Knowledge

Trivia Night, online trivia quiz, general knowledge triviaTrivia Night Happens Any Time Because of OC TRIVIA!

It’s a great time to be alive, especially if you want to have an awesome trivia night at home. We here at OC Trivia love bringing you nice, put-together quizzes for your trivia night parties. This one is a perfect example for you. It’s 12 questions about a multitude of random subjects including Spotify music, the moon, Oscar winning movies, science, religion, money, and even toys…you’ll see!  So good luck with the general knowledge trivia quiz. It’s a great one!

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You Can Easily Host an At-Home Trivia Night Using Our Quizzes!

Hello, players! I’m sure you’ve had thoughts of what to do with your next get-together in your home. My suggestion is to get it rockin’ with a fun and awesome trivia quiz night. There’s no reason why you can’t attach you laptop to your TV and put these questions up on the screen.  Imagine, all your friends hanging out on the couch, tuned in to a fun game of trivia.  All you need to do is pop up question one and let the games begin.

Playing Trivia Nights as a Team

If you want to keep it fun, simple, and light without the worry of competition, simply have everyone play along together. You will all talk about what and why you think which answer is correct, then you can select that answer.  You’ll then move on to question two and so on.  At the end of the trivia quiz, you’ll all get to see the answers together. And you’ll get to yell at the person who pushed you to choose the wrong answers!  It’s a lot of fun to run a trivia night get-together this way.

Individual or Team Trivia Night Competition

Basically, you’ll have to put up our trivia game on the screen just as before. Each person or group of people will need some paper and a pencil. They will have to write down their answers.  With our quizzes, there’s no need to answer if you don’t want to, but after you click Finish, you’ll be given the answers.  This is a great way to play a trivia competition with your friends and family.

I hope you take full advantage of all the awesome trivia found on this site.  There is a big variety of topics and categories, so be sure to mix it up when you have your trivia night party.

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