Playing trivia online games for fun and frolic? Well, here’s History 009, It Happened On January 29th! All of the events being asked about in this trivia game happened on January 29th some time in the history of our world. It’s a good one, so have fun with it. Multiple choice always makes it so much better–as in EASIER. You’re welcome.
Playing Online Trivia is the best
First, it’s FREE. many times you don’t get to really play and enjoy a game because the site is trying to charge a subscription. We don’t do that here at OC Trivia. We keep it free and fun!
Second, you can earn a lot and have fun at the same time. Sometimes, just doing research and reading an article is, well, to be honest, boring. But, when playing a challenging game, you are apt to remember more and time will fly by as you learn. This is a great trick and tip to recommend to teachers or instructors out there. Turn your lesson into a game and watch your students excel!
Third, books are great, but they are limited. When you play trivia online, you can always search for more games. Books? Not so much. It’s more along the lines of read it then put it aside to collect dust. Then again, you’re not going to memorize every question and answer in a book, so you can always re-read it. Same goes with trivia games. You can always replay the game and hopefully improve your score!
Online Trivia as a Pastime
Make playing trivia online a daily activity. It’s an awesome way to wake you your brain in the morning or take your mind off the day at the end of it. Keep in mind, as you play more often, you’re only going to improve. Soon, you’ll be impressing everyone with your vast trivia knowledge.