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An Awesome Friends Trivia Online Quiz – Movies TV 005

Movies TV Trivia

Friends trivia online, Friends trivia quiz online, online friends trivia, online friends trivia quizYou’ve been waiting patiently for this Friends trivia online quiz and, finally, here it is!  It took me a while because I wanted the trivia quiz about Friends to be challenging yet fun.  It’s a good mix of main character questions and smaller characters, music, animals, relationships, and even credits!  There are 12 questions in the Friends online trivia quiz and you only need to get 6 right to pass.  Remember, if you do poorly, you can always count on me because…I’ll Be There For You.

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This Friends Trivia Quiz Should Be More Fun Than Dancing In A Fountain!

From the iconic opening credits where Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey are getting down and getting wet in the fountain…with umbrellas…to the final shot of the purple door and gold frame around the peephole, Friends delivered years of  laughter, love, and more. We all grew so close to the characters and couldn’t have been more invested in the outcome of their lives.  What are some of your favorite moments from the show?

Playing online Friends trivia quizzes are the best

There are a variety of ways to approach putting together a quiz about the Friends TV show. The online Friends trivia quiz above is pretty straight-forward, legitimate questions and answers. I hope you appreciate the extra touches with the GIFs and pics.  Another quiz I plan on releasing soon is one based on naming the characters from the show.  This is an easy production where you’ll see one photo and need to select the correct name of the character, not the actor who portrayed the character.

The unique Friends trivia quiz I plan on releasing–probably the next Friends-related quiz–will be based off of the six main actors who played the main characters on the show.  I’ll publish 10 different movie posters and you will simply have to name the movie. The connection? Each movie stars one of the actors who played one of the main Friends characters!

More Friends Trivia To Try Online

What were some of the other names that were considered for the sitcom called Friends?  How about Insomnia Cafe.  Across The Hall, Six Of Us, and Bleecker Street? I don’t know about you, but with such a simple title–one word: Friends–you are probably thinking it’s just TOO simple.  Turns out, it was a good ploy. Can you think of any other very successful and popular sitcom with one word?  Personally, I can only think of about 5 million.  So, maybe not such a bad idea after all.

Friends trivia onlineThe “Rachel”

this little bit of information is actually a fad that swept through the nineties…and hair salons.  Jennifer Anniston’s haircut and style on the show was so well received, women across the nation and the world flocked to their local salons to request this new look.  Turns out, Jennifer did not like the style, calling it the ugliest haircut ever.  I guess you could say, don’t invest in any hairstyle stocks recommended by her, that’s for sure!

Could I Be Wearing Any More Clothes?

I'm Chandler, Could I Be Wearing Any More Clothes? GIF by John | GfycatYou remember this iconic scene, where Joey decides to wear every piece of clothing out of Chandler’s closet.  This was done in retaliation for Chandler hiding all of Joey’s underwear. In Joey’s mind, wearing all of Chandler’s clothes was the “opposite” of someone hiding all of  his underwear. What’s the logic in all of that? There is none. But that’s expected. it’s Joey.

Thankfully, especially for the actor, it wasn’t 43 outfits he had to squeeze into.  The costume designer did the dirty work of creating a two-piece outfit that looked like he couldn’t be wearing any more clothes.

I, Ross, Take Thee…

Rachel WAS NEVER IN THE SCRIPT!  During rehearsals, David Schwimmer actually did accidentally say, “Take thee Rachel” instead of “Take thee Emily” and the cast and crew laughed about it. But not the writers. It was the epiphany they needed to add a great plot twist, tension and thick heavy layer of comedy-drama.  I think it was great for the audience, too.  Kind of like one of those M. Night Shyamalan moments.  HE WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME?!?!

Bongos vs. Guitars

Yes, it’s true. One of these instruments was the instrument of choice for Lisa Kudrow, the actress who played Phoebe.  And, yes, it was the bongos!  Reason? She did not know how to play the guitar. It’s a good thing there’s a technique called “Air Guitar” that she learned to perform quite well. Well enough to pass off as if she knew how to play.  Did she ever really learn?  With all the down time actors have, I would not put it past her.

What if I told you that you could get Bruce Willis…for free?

Friends Trivia Online
Bruce Willis playing Paul Stevens on the sitcom Friends.

It started after the completion of filming for the movie The Whole Nine Yards.  Perry thought the movie was going to do quite well. Willis…not so much. So, Matthew made a bet with Bruce that if the film opened at number one and stayed there for three weeks straight, Willis would have to appear on Friends at no cost!  I bet the writers and producers of the show could not have been happier.  To have a huge mega-star make an appearance on the sitcom is one thing, but to have it happen for FREE? That’s just blind dumb luck.  The producers did pay Bruce Willis for his work on the show, but Willis still kept up his end of the bet. He donated the money to AIDS research and other various charities.

The Audience Is In Control

Believe it or not, so many of the decisions the writers and producers of Friends made, were based off of the response of the live studio audiences that attended the sitcom’s tapings.  For instance, did you know that Monica was originally supposed to get together with Joey?  AS the show was being taped and subtle sparks started to fly between Monica and Chandler, the audience reacted so positively, they decided to make the change.  Besides, how was Joey supposed to have a spinoff if he ended up with Monica.

Forever 29…

For three years running, David Schwimmer’s character of Ross mentions his age. And in each of those years, he states he is 29.  It was through seasons 3, 4, and 5.  So, maybe he was born on leap day?  That logic doesn’t work, either, since he is noted to have two separate birthdays on the show. October 18th and some day in December.  Either way, he did turn “30” in season 5 at one point. At least, so he says.  I’m not sure what to believe anymore.

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