Tuesday December 17th 2019
It’s STAR WARS TRIVIA at Irvine Improv and Umami Burger 7:15pm tonight! HIGHLY RECOMMEND you reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Hey people–BIG post today…points-wise for you, it’s a huge CHA-CHING! You’ll see. And speaking of cha-ching, here’s last weeks winners!

And now…for tonight…
Super excited for tonight’s game! I would describe the game as VERY challenging, yet entertaining. For MY teams–you know who you are and you know we have a “special” relationship–so YOU get some big clues…Billy Dee William’s Beer, Chewbacca’s family, The “Child’s” age, the “Old Fossil,” and last but not least, Luke’s red-headed wife!
That’s a HUGE Amount of points for you–if you do your homework. Oh…and YOU’RE WELCOME! It’s what you get if you’re one of MY teams.
Also, how about an EMAIL CLUE?!?! War & Peace
No puzzle this week. You’ll get an 10 extra points if at least one team member wears an ugly Christmas sweater…and 20 extra points for a STAR WARS ugly Christmas sweater (not sweatshirt or t-shirt). But not for BOTH–you get 10 or 20 extra, depending on your wardrobe.
So, THAT’S IT! See you tonight my friends…and may the QUIZ be with you!
Tuesday December 10th 2019
Team Trivia + Umami Burger Irvine = Best. Night. Ever! Game Starts At 7:15PM!
PLEASE reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Well, hello! Glad you stopped by ONLINE. I hope you stop by tonight IRL because it’s the only way you’ll have a chance to be a WINNER like these folks!
Well, there it is. Awesome job, winning teams. I hope you’re all looking forward to another awesome game. It’s gonna be EPIC! We’ve got a Famous “Somethings” Picture Round, A Celebrity Puzzle Round, Movie Posters Round, and more. Before we get to your CLUES…
Wanna up your GAME? Get your team shirts and make 2020 the best trivia year ever!
Now, I’m not making any money on these, but the company was kind enough to do all the work to get us all set up. If you’re interested, here’s the website: https://trivianighttees.com/collections/oc-trivia
Okay, now here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Lincoln Memorial Misspelling?
And here’s a way to earn an EXTRA 10. Answer this riddle: There’s this man who sits down in front of 23 sheets of paper. He then writes two words down on each piece of paper…and he does this every two weeks! Why?
That’s it kids! We will see you tonight. LET’S PLAY TRIVIA!!!
Tuesday December 3rd 2019
Ho Ho Ho! It’s December and Time For FREE Team Trivia at Umami Burger Irvine! Game Starts at 7:15PM Tonight!
PLEASE reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Wow! Say hello to my little Holiday Season! It’s the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it? Especially of you’re one of these WINNERS from last week!
Oh happy day for you! And congratulations.
Also a HUGE shout out to our monthly champions…
Let’s see how you do this month, the lovely month of December. Tonight’s game is going to be awesome with a fun Picture Round, a Picture Oriented Wildcard, Sports, and Name That Tune! Along with the best General Knowledge rounds this side of the Mississippi. Or as one of my wife’s students spelled it one time…Mrs. Zippy!
OH! One more announcement. I’ve teamed up with a T-shirt company if you’re reeeeeally serious about your Trivia Team and Trivia Nights! Check these out! https://trivianighttees.com/collections/oc-trivia/products/t-shirt-3
Okay, your EMAIL CLUE: “All hockey players are bilingual…”
And your EXTRA 10 PUZZLE: Why is there a factory that makes furniture that is 20% smaller than normal? It’s not for smaller people, either.
Sooo looking forward to running trivia for y’all this week! Let’s have an AWESOME time tonight. See you soon!
Tuesday November 26th 2019
Free Team Trivia Night! Umami Burger Irvine Has The BEST Trivia Players…Game Starts Tonight at 7:15PM!
Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Hey, welcome to TURKEY WEEK! I hope you’ve got plans to spend time with family. Our EXTRA 10 question will be about that, you turkeys. Hey, guess who’s NOT a turkey? Last weeks winners, that’s who!
Again, great job teams! Keep up the smart moves yo! This week we’ve got some fun for you once again. Great General Knowledge rounds, Famous Faces, Name The Band, Name The Movie and a very unique Round 3! We’re going a little Sci-Fi because…well, why not?
Here’s your round 1 question 5 clue: Limnology
EXTRA 10! You don’t have to get it right, but tell me your guess before the game starts for an EXTRA 10 POINTS: According to a recent study, what is the maximum length of time family can spend together before they get irritated?
Coolio! Hey, see you tonight my people!
Tuesday November 19th 2019
Free Team Trivia Night! Umami Burger Irvine Has The BEST Trivia Players…Game Starts Tonight at 7:15PM!
Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Hi there teams! I am glad you are a part of this fun-filled fiasco called OC Trivia and love, love, love putting on games for you. I know you love it too–especially when you WIN like these teams from last week!
AWESOME JOB Teams. We had a pretty crazy, different kind of game last week, but it was a lot of work so….don’t expect that very often ha ha!
Okay, this week…The theme is, we’re gonna set sail on the S. S. Super! No, there are no sailing or travel questions. And no, this doesn’t really help you much! But this will…we’ve got Name That Tune, History, and 2 Picture Rounds!
Let’s move on to the Round 1 Question 5 clue shall we? This We’ll Defend
And here’s a fun riddle. Tell me the answer before the game starts (you can email me, too!) and earn 10 points! We all know about a ship in the bottle, but how does one get a full sized (and fully intact) apple or pear in a bottle without breaking the bottle?
Can’t wait for tonight, ladies and gents! See you soon!
Tuesday November 12th 2019
Free Team Trivia @ Umami Burger Irvine Starts Tonight at 7:15PM!
Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Are you feeling the holiday spirit yet? Nah, me neither. So, we’ll save the holiday themed trivia for later…Tonight, though, is going to be EPIC–one of the BEST games I’ve ever put together! The question is, which teams will prevail? Will it be any of these amazing teams who won last week?
Congrats to our winning teams from last week. It was a TOUGH game, challenging, but you all made your Trivia Host proud.
This week, we don’t have a unifying theme, but we’ve got Famous Faces, a Puzzle Round, a unique Music Round, and a Video Wildcard! It’s a great night to play, so get your teams together and let’s get quizzing!
Here’s your clue for round 1 question 5: Maugrim
Tell me an answer to this riddle before the game starts, and earn an extra 10 points: A man woke up one morning to find his car had a completely flat tire. Still, he drove that car 50 miles to work, then drove another 50 miles home in the same car, the one with the flat tire. He didn’t fix the tire or replace it. How did he do this?
Can’t wait to see you all tonight!
Tuesday November 5th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! is Quizzing You TONIGHT at Umami Burger Irvine at the Irvine Spectum. Game Starts at 7:15pm!
Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Happy November, my teams! It’s officially the month of the turkey…you know…YOU! Ha ha but seriously, who’s no turkey? These winning teams from last week!
Much knowledge, these teams they have! And also, much prizings! Congrats!
By the way, who was our monthly champs? DIANNE-AMITE! And I’ve got your trophy presentation happening tonight!
Also this week, we’ve got a good ol’ standard trivia night happening. I mean, come on! It’s our bread and butter and the reason we love the night so much. So, here’s our theme: No One! You’ll see! (I know, I’m a weirdo.)
So here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Bedloe’s Island
And here’s your EXTRA 10 puzzle! If I choose to do this one time, that’s great. But if I do it two times, especially in one day, I’m probably gonna end up in the hoosegow! What am I doing?
I’m excited to see you all tonight! Get ready for an awesome game and some REALLY tasty food and drink!
See you at 7pm (or earlier!)
Tuesday October 29th 2019
GAME NIGHT at Umami Burger Irvine! 7:15pm start for OC Trivia LIVE! Costumes Optional :-). Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Here we go! Coming up later tonight, it’s the last trivia Quiz for October 2019. NOT coming in last were these amazing winning teams. Check them out!
Hey now…I call that a good lookin’ group of trivia players! Woop! Congratulations and I hope you’re back tonight to try and pull off another stellar victory.
Okay, here’s what’s on tap (get it? Because there’s beer there) for tonight: Halloween! That’s all you need to know. There’s General Knowledge, Pictures, History, Name The Song, and a Wildcard Round that may lack in quality, but not in Lulz.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Carillon
And for an EXTRA 10 points, just tell me the answer to this: Snap, Crackle, and Pop were afraid to leave the house. Why?
Oh, it’s a silly one, but still fun. I’ll see you tonight!
Tuesday October 22nd 2019
It’s a great night for TRIVIA! Come play TONIGHT at 7:15pm at the incredible Umami Burger Irvine! Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Last week, we had a theme that was all about the numbers. This week, we’ve got a different theme you’re gonna love–and you’ll find out all about it after we take a look at THESE numbers…1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place!
Congratulations to the above teams. You’re the BEST. Well, you were the best LAST week. This week, we’ll see…we’ll see. 🙂
Okay, here’s what we’ve got. It’s a CAR theme. That could mean many things…so don’t get cocky! Here’s your “theme” rounds: Picture Round, Sports Round, Wildcard Round. Music and (as usual) General Knowledge don’t fall into the theme tonight. So let’s get to the clues!
Round 1 Question 5: Humphrey Davy Invention
EXTRA 10 PUZZLE: In Tokyo Japan, why do the police have to visit your home before you purchase a car?
See you all tonight! Can’t wait!
Tuesday October 15th 2019
It’s a great night for TRIVIA! Come play TONIGHT at 7:15pm at the incredible Umami Burger Irvine! Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
What an awesome night we had last week! The competition was fierce but there were no migraines to be found–my trivia isn’t THAT difficult. And maybe a little TOO easy for these winning teams!
That was last week…so now, let’s get THIS week going. We are doing a theme that you can count on…it’s all about NUMBERS. Don’t be frightened…it’s going to be mostly math-free ha ha. We’ve got a Picture Round, Movies, Music, History + Pop Culture, and the BEST General Knowledge random trivia to be found.
How about this EMAIL CLUE? Gallons in an Oil Barrel
And for your EXTRA 10: I’m tallest when I’m young, but get shorter with age. What am I?
That’s an easy Binger right there (As in, easy to find the answer online) so try to work it out using brain cells first.
Okay, my friends, I’ll see you tonight for another epic game from OC Trivia!
Tuesday October 8th 2019
If You Want To Play FREE Team Trivia, Umami Burger Irvine Is Your Place TONIGHT at 7:15pm! Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
Well, hello my trivia friends! I hope your October is more like ROCK-tober because…well…it sounds like it would be cool. But nothing is cooler than THESE winning teams from last week!
See how awesome and happy they look? That’s what happens when you come in and play this game. Oh, and win, of course!
Here’s some help to get you on the winning path. We’ve got Famous Faces, Sports (Best Of), Name That Tune, and an awesome Puzzle Wildcard Round.
Also, it’s MY BIRTHDAY this week! (Wednesday to be exact). So come “celebrate” with me by playing. It will cheer me up…it’s tough turning 30. Again.
Here’s round 1 question 5’s clue: PLUMBISM
And 10 BONUS POINTS if you tell me an answer to this puzzle BEFORE the game starts (or write your answer somewhere on your round 1 answer sheet): A man was standing in a large concrete parking lot, held a raw, non-frozen egg high above his head and dropped it–but it didn’t break. How can this be?
Can’t wait to see you tonight!!!
Tuesday October 1st
Live Team Trivia at Umami Burger Irvine is TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15pm! Reserve a table by calling: 949.396.1830
It’s game night! Well, you can watch A game on TV or you can be a part of a REAL game at Umami Burger Irvine Spectrum! Then, you can show off how you’re a big winner, like these teams from last week!
Pretty awesome if you ask me! So come on in and play for FREE and win, win, win!
This week, we’ve got a great game and, O goodness, the theme is a lot of fun! There’s famous faces (and things), history, name that band, and movie gifs! Along with the general knowledge rounds, you’re gonna completely satiated with trivia and beer!
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE for round 1 question 5: G in the phonetic alphabet!
And for an EXTRA 10 points, answer this: All of my jelly beans are red except for two. All of them are yellow, except for two. And all of them are green, except for two. How can this be true?
See you tonight players!!!
Tuesday September 24th
Live Team Trivia in Irvine TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15pm at Umami Burger Irvine Improv!
Hey Trivia Players! How was the past 7 days? Boring without our trivia, right? Well, have no fear, we are ready to quiz you–and you’re gonna have fun–and possibly WIN like these teams last week!
Congratulations! Let’s bring it again this week, winners!
I don’t want to go out on a limb here, but I’m predicting some fall-like weather this week, so that’s gonna be our theme for tonight. We’ve got Famous Faces, A Puzzle Round, Name That Tune, and, back by popular demand, MOVIES. Our General Knowledge is all over the board, as usual. But let’s continue…
For round 1 question 5…here’s your clue: James Dean’s middle name.
And for an EXTRA 10 points, tell me then answer to this riddle before the game starts: Roses are red, violets are blue, “To avoid or abstain from,” the word is… (obviously needs to rhyme, good luck! And if you need a clue, email me!)
See you all tonight!
Tuesday September 17th
It’s Live Team Trivia Night at Umami Burger Irvine! Starts at 7:15pm! And yes, Jimmy is Hosting!
I bought my Christmas tree from Costco this week. OMG, here come the holidays! Other than that, I hope September is treating you well so far. It sure treated these teams well last week! Here are your winners!
Congrats Teams! Hope to see you again this week. Speaking of this week, we’ve got Sports, Famous Faces (but only 5 of them), What Costs More? Wildcard, and an awesome Music Round! It’s an Either/Or week this week…for a few rounds.
Okay here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Brickfielder
And here is your EXTRA 10 PUZZLE: Why was the golfer, who always dreamed of making a hole in one, upset when he actually made a hole in one?
Let’s have a blast tonight people!!!
Tuesday September 10th
Live Team Trivia at Umami Burger Irvine TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15pm!
Hey teams! What an AWESOME first night of September we had! It’s now week #2 for the month of September, so let’s give the spotlight to the WINNERS from week #1!
Congrats teams! Let’s see how you fare this week.
Tonight, since we just can’t seem to beat this heat, our theme is going to be a little hot. We’ve got Famous Faces, History, Name That Tune, and MOVIES! Plus, our standard awesome General Knowledge rounds. GET READY!!!
Now, round 1 question 5…here’s your clue: Lachrymatory
And for an EXTRA 10 points, tell me then answer to this riddle before the game starts: In New York, there’s a store called The Seven Bells, but hanging in front of the store is eight bells. Why?
See you all tonight!
Tuesday September 3rd 2019
It’s TRIVIA NIGHT at Umami Burger Irvine and the Irvine Improv! The game starts at 7:15PM–but the FUN starts NOW!
Hey teams! So great to see you last week. I hope you enjoyed the competition as it was FIERCE! But, alas, we did end up with some worthy victors. See them below!
Congratulations to these winning teams! We also determined the August Champions of the Month and the winner is…
That’s TWO IN A ROW! What a come back from being down for the month! Trophy coming…well, a lot quicker than last time!
This week’s game is SPORTS, Famous Faces, A Puzzle Wildcard, Name The Band, and awesome General Knowledge as usual. It’s going to be a litter harder than last week–but you’re soooo smart, so maybe not, he he he. Let’s get to the stuff you really want…
EXTRA 10 PUZZLE: An art aficionado traveled 500 miles to purchase a painting for $10 that he knew was practically worthless. Why did he do this?
See you all tonight for “Anotha One!”
Tuesday August 28th 2019
I’M BAAAAACK!!! Play FREE Trivia Tonight at Umami Burger Irvine with your host JIMMY LORAM! Game Starts at 7:15PM!
Wow, 2 weeks in a row without me! How did you survive? I’m sure you might even be SAD that I’m back ha ha! I promise, no TV shows, no DJ gigs, and no alien abductions happening today…I’M RUNNING THIS GAME! I get to experience the BLISS of victory with you, like these teams from last week!
Way to go, teams! You certainly beat out a YUUUGE number of teams. Congrats…and away we go with this weeks info!
A couple rounds have the theme of ONE. Just a couple rounds though. It’s Famous Faces, Sports, Name That Tune, and a tasty wildcard round! If you ask me, I think I kinda lost my edge and this game is going to be TOO EASY for you!
How about our MONTHLY TOTALS? Well, Chris has kept me in the loop and right now, here are the teams that could possibly win the month of August (in no particular order…or is it? Hmmm…):
Happy Hour Should Last Until 7:30PM |
No Limit |
ManBearPig |
Fellowship Of The Trivia |
Okay, your email clue is a good one…Oliver Twist’s Mama.
And your puzzle to solve for 10 EXTRA POINTS IS: Is it possible to lift a real, full-grown, live, adult rhinoceros with one hand?
That’s it party people! I am SO VERY excited for tonight. See you soon!!!
Tuesday August 20th 2019
Play FREE Trivia Tonight at Umami Burger Irvine, Game Starts at 7:15PM!
Hey Teams!
I sure missed you last week 🙁 But it sounds like Chris took great care of you and you had an awesome game. But it was more awesome for THESE TEAMS because they were the WINNERS!
Lookin’ good teams! Here’s the deal…I got a call from Tim Allen’s show called Last Man Standing…and I’m going to work on that show tonight as the warm up host and DJ! So, alas, I will be missing one more night with my favorite trivia venue. Chris will take good care of you once again…PROMISE!
So, what’s going on with tonight’s game? We’ve got recent history, name the band, a tv-related wildcard round, and more. You’re gonna love it!
As for your email clue, it looks like this: Omnia Vincit Amor
And for an EXTRA 10 points, answer this one: Many moons ago, some travelers happened upon a wide and deep and long river. They could not swim, there was no bridge, they had no boats and no materials or know-how to make boats. But they did get across the river…how?
Have fun and I will FOR SURE see you next week!
Tuesday August 12th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine Tonight at 7:15PM. It’s GAME NIGHT! Come Play!
Well, week #1 of August is in the books. Can you believe it? I had a lot of fun with y’alls last week, so THANK YOU for coming out to play. But who won? THESE teams won, that’s who!
Congrats teams! And our MONTHLY CHAMPS, No Limit…alas we’ve had a trophy snafu, so we will be awarding you your trophy NEXT WEEK. Sorry about that, champs…
This week, the theme is…nothing, lol. It’s just a conglomeration of random trivia rounds. But I think you’ll really enjoy it.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Caviglia
And your EXTRA 10 CLUE: A medical instructor handed a medical student a humerus bone. He then asked, “How many humerus bones do you have?” The student replied, “Five.” The instructor said, “Wrong, you have 3.” But the student was correct. Why?
Tuesday August 6th 2019
Welcome AUGUST Players! Such a Great Night to Play OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine Tonight at 7:15PM.
It’s a new month and I’ve got a new attitude! Okay, it’s the same attitude I’ve always had, which is “grateful” for all you players who hang out with me on Tuesdays at Umami. Also, I’ve got that winning attitude–like THESE teams from last week!
Couldn’t be happier for the winners above!
Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the team that won the month of July….Congrats to…
They get a TROPHY and a bottle of liquor to drink from for the month…until it’s gone. I already drank half of it though…it’s my percentage…KIDDING!
Okay, teams, here’s what’s on tap for this week. Pretty standard fare…the theme is A is for August. And our categories are General Knowledge, Pics of the Famous, Movies, Name The Band or Artist, and more.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE for Round 1 Question 5: Pouce
And 10 points to your team if you figure out this one and tell me before the game starts: Joe was first to arrive at the party and drank a glass of punch. He only stayed for 30 minutes because he had an early meeting. Turns out, everyone else who drank the same punch died of poisoning! No, Joe didn’t poison the punch or have a tolerance to the poison…and couldn’t figure out why he lived. Can you?
See you all tonight!
Tuesday July 30th 2019
Let’s Wrap Up July With A Nice Big Trivia Bow! OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine Starts at 7:15PM TONIGHT!
Howdy Pardners! It’s trivia night and I couldn’t be more excited! Well, I could…if you were to come play OR if you happen to be one of these amazing winners right here!
Fresh winnings right there, with a TIE for 2nd place! Congrats teams! Let’s get going on tonight’s game, shall we? We’ve got Famous Faces, Puzzles, Movies, and Name That Tune! What’s our theme? Well, let me just quote the Doors, “This is the end…Beautiful friend.”
As for round 1 question 5, your CLUE is: What does this “fashionable” texting acronym mean? GHD
EXTRA 10: I’ll give your team an extra 10 points if you answer this: Why are manhole covers round instead of square?
I am looking forward to seeing you tonight! Let’s play!!!
Tuesday July 23rd 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine. 7:15pm Start Time…perfect for you hard workin’ folk!
How is your summer so far? Mine is good…Just moved, have family visiting from out of state, and I have NOT been abducted by aliens! You know, you’d think that some of these teams are so GOOD that they are ACTUALLY aliens! Like these winning teams from last week!
Woop Woop! Congrats teams. Lookin’ good for the monthly trophy!
Okay, here’s what’s on tap for this week. J – Booze – Sports – Top Hit Or Not It? I know, it doesn’t help you much BUT the following will.
Round 1 Question 5 Clue: Osteology
EXTRA 10 PUZZLE: 5 Letters Long. 1 Silent s. 1 Silent p. 0 Capitalizations. What word is it? (email or tell me the answer!)
Let’s hang out on the Umami Burger Patio tonight, shall we? See you soon!
Tuesday July 16th 2019
It’s TEAM TRIVIA NIGHT at Umami Burger Irvine! The questions start flowin’ at 7:15PM!
Hello there! We are heading into week 3 out of 5 for the month of July. I huge thank you to all you teams that show up every week (or every other week…or once a month…heck, I just appreciate that you can make it out any time!). BUT the teams that attend a lot, they tend to end up on the WINNER’S BOARD more often! Just like a couple of these winners below from last week!
As many patrons of McDonald’s would say, “I’M LOVIN IT!” Now, let’s move on to this week’s game. Oh Boy (band), it’s gonna be a fun one! We’ve got your favorite puzzle round, history, famous faces (but you don’t tell me their names!), and a name-the-band round for music!
Okay, here’s your EMAIL CLUE for round 1 question 5: BUNDZ CHEESE
And, for an EXTRA 10 POINTS, give me the answer to this puzzle: What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
Can’t wait to see y’all tonight! Game starts at 7:15PM!
Tuesday July 9th 2019
Free Team Trivia TONIGHT At 7:15PM, OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine at the Irvine Spectrum!
Well, my friends, I hope summer is treating you well. After binge-watching Stranger Things 3, I feel like I’ve accomplished one of my goals…have some down-time over this summer! Guess who else is well-accomplished? These WINNERS from last week!
Way to go, teams! I hope you can make it back for another exciting night of brain-wracking trivia (well, it’s not that bad usually). Tonight we are bringing out the full on July Theme with Famous Faces, a Puzzling Wildcard, Sports (yes, actual sports trivia), and another twist on the Music Round (no “name that tune” or “name the artist”). Plus, the non-themed rounds 1 and 6, which are General Knowledge questions–and no, there are none about the military rank of General, so don’t try and be cute…I know how you people are.
So, let’s get to your clue for round 1 question 5: The Curling Target!
I give out bonus points to your team if you try to answer this puzzle before we start the game: WMGGW = The Beatles wipe away the tears so it doesn’t get ruined.
Hmm, what’s the answer? Try to figure it out and I’ll give you 10 bonus points!
(psst: notice I said try to figure it out…any attempt(s) will earn you a max 10 points).
Hey, I can’t wait to see you tonight…But I guess I will have to! See you soon!!!
Tuesday July 2nd 2019
TONIGHT At 7:15PM, OC Trivia LIVE! is taking over Umami Burger Irvine at the Irvine Spectrum!
We made it to JULY! It’s been an awesome winter and spring…now bring on the heatwave. You know who else is hot? These winning teams from last week, that’s who!
And a huge shout out to our Monthly Champs for June, MANBEARPIG!!!
They are drinking for FREE (until their bottle is empty, that is). So, if you can make it to each game each week, you could become the monthly champ for July, win a trophy, and get a bottle of booze!
Now, tonight is a great night for trivia. Yes, we’ve got a patriotic theme. Yes we’ve got a movie-puzzle-type round for the wildcard. And yes, I’ve got a Music Round format that I’ve never done before! Yer gunna luv it!
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE for round 1 question 5: Nanga Parbat
Here’s your BONUS 10 to answer before the game: A children’s hospital provided teddy bears for the child patients at some expense. It got more expensive because the kids got attached to the bears and took them home. A nurse came up with an idea on how to get the kids to willingly leave the teddy bears behind. What was her solution? (And no, she didn’t just tell them they can’t take them ha ha)
Tuesday June 25th 2019
TONIGHT At 7:15PM, OC Trivia LIVE! is taking over Umami Burger Irvine at the Irvine Spectrum!
It’s, like, how FAST can the weeks go by? I feel like we are just flying along at breakneck speed through 2019…we still have time for WINNERS though…like these crews below! Congrats!
A huge welcome back to Just 4 Fun! So awesome to have you there! Sorry, but the pineapple shirt kind of steals the show! Glad our table o’ youngin’s won the night. It was a CLOSE and FUN game!
How about this week? Well, we are doing puzzles, famous faces, a picture sports round, food, general knowledge, and more. Well, no…no more. That’s everything! Except for your clues and extra points!
EMAIL QUESTION CLUE: US Sec. of State, Pre-1789
EXTRA 10 (Give me the answer before we start): A baby was born in 1972. He just celebrated his 18th birthday yesterday. How can this be?
See you tonight, can’t wait, and let’s have a FUN TUESDAY!!!
Tuesday June 18th 2019
TONIGHT At 7:15PM, The COOL KIDS will be playing OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine!
Will YOU be here? I hope so! Because we’ve got a great game…and if you win, you will get a $30 Gift Certificate. And if you don’t win, you know, take 2nd, you’ll get a $20 Gift Cert! And if you DON’T win even more, you get a $10 Gift Cert! But if you DON’T win on one more level…I don’t know what to tell you. I do know you’ll still have FUN! Like these awesome winners from last week!
Do you see that Super Genius baby? Yeah, slept through the whole game…didn’t help “Smoke Up A G” at ALL. Hence the 3rd place finish. Okay, tonight’s game…let’s get into it!
We’re totally skipping SPORTS and/or HISTORY and making it a Puzzle Round tonight! Famous Faces (or should I say EYES), Name That Tune, and MOVIES! Plus our great General Knowledge rounds. I’m happy to bring you this fun-filled extravaganza.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Leon Schlesinger
And answer this to get an EXTRA 10: So, I told my wife I would be home at 8:00. I actually got home at 8:03. She was REALLY REALLY mad at me! Why?
See you tonight my wonderful trivia teams!
Tuesday June 11th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine | TONIGHT Game On At 7:15PM!
Hi my trivia friends! I hope you had a great weekend! Now that it “seems” like summer is here (or at least approaching) it’s going to be awesome out on the Umami Burger patio for trivia. Perfect for WINNING–like these awesome teams!
As you can see, we had a TIE for second last week! I can’t wait to see what happens TONIGHT! Our game is a doozy, with Round 2 being Father’s Day related, Round 5 is a new kind of Wildcard, round 4 is Name The Band, and so much more.
Round 1 Question 5 CLUE: Hey Airedale! Where have you been?
BONUS 10 (Give me the answer via email or tonight at the game):
There’s a number, when spelled out, has it’s letters in alphabetical order…only one…what is that number?
(try to figure it out before Just Freaking Googling It, he he he.)
Tuesday June 4th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine | TONIGHT Game On At 7:15PM!
Llllllllllllllllllllllllllet’s Get Ready To ANSWERRRRRR! <–Did I just violate copyright law? Oh well. HI! It’s LIVE TEAM TRIVIA NIGHT and it’s FREE at Umami Burger Irvine at the Spectrum. What’s better than free? Having US pay! Like these winners from last week who won either $10, $20, or $30 off their bills!
Congrats to our teams…and to our MONTHLY CHAMPIONS for the month of MAY…
I am 95% positive you’ll get your trophy tonight…but you already got THE prize you wanted – A bottle of high end vodka to drink from for FREE! Congrats, you were the team of all teams last month!
Now tonight, let’s talk about the game. Round 5 is one of your faves, round 4 is name the band or artist, round 3 is sports, round 2 is characters from a certain movie franchise, and rounds 1 and 6 are G.K. (In trivia host hipster lingo, that stands for General Knowledge.).
EMAIL CLUE for round 1 question 5: Oldest Heavyweight Boxing Champ
EXTRA 10 points: The character in the above meme comes from what TV show?
That’s it my friends! I’m ready to put on a killer game tonight, so I will see you soon!
Tuesday May 28th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine | TONIGHT Game On At 7:15PM!
It’s time for the FUN! Tuesdays means TNT-Tuesday Night Trivia at Umami–Dinner and a Quiz, amirite? Let’s talk about last weeks winners (but in a nice way)!
Congratulations and SPEND YOUR GIFT CERTS WELL MY FRIENDS! It’s the FINAL game of May which means we will be announcing our MONTHLY CHAMPS tonight too! Exciting. Our game tonight consists of the following rounds: General Knowledge, Famous Faces, History, An actual Music Round this time, and for the wildcard…MOVIES! Finally, round 6 will be General Knowledge. Standard rounds tonight, folks, so double wisely!
Round 1 Question 5 will ask you about Grace’s Card.
And for an extra 10 points, answer this…Doug knocked his golf ball into an empty In-N-Out Burger bag! The ref rules he must play the ball where it lies (in the bag) or take it out and incur a 1 stroke penalty. Well, he figured out how to deal with this situation…what did Doug do? (HINT: It was a very calm, windless day!)
See yo all tonight Trivia Fam! <3
Tuesday May 21st 2019
TRIVIA NIGHT! OC Trivia LIVE! at the Umami Burger in Irvine at the Spectrum Tonight at 7:15PM!
As we head into week 3 of the month of May, I’m excited to bring you another Fun and EASY trivia quiz for tonight’s soiree. Last week’s was a good one, as I’m sure these WINNING TEAMS think so!
It’s going to be an interesting night for you, trivia teams! I’ve got famous faces (real people and characters) for the Picture Round, a combo-style Music Round (yep, kind of a “before and after theme”), Sports, and a picture Wildcard Round. What’s the theme for tonight? (for at least two rounds) Gee, Og! Rafi might be it!
Hope you’ve had a great week…and I’m glad to start it off with you tonight! Let me know you’re coming! Shoot me an email with the answer to the EXTRA 10 clue below!
EMAIL CLUE: Popocatepti
EXTRA 10: Who do you think is the oldest person to host Saturday Night Live?
I hope to see ya’ll tonight!
Tuesday May 14th 2019
Howdy Folks! It’s OC Trivia LIVE! at the Umami Burger in Irvine at the Spectrum Tonight at 7:15PM!
But you already knew that. To quickly wrap up my car troubles, Premier Chevrolet in Buena Park put a brand new engine in my car–and finished in 2 days! Talk about service…very impressed. I feel like a winner–almost as much as these AMAZING TEAMS!
ALSO: Trophies are HERE! Get ready Monthly CHAMPS!
How about this weeks game? It’s gonna be a yummMmmy palate of trivia featuring a Non-Human Picture Round, a Movie Round, History, Name The Band/Artist, and more. (No, there isn’t a food round, ha ha).
Here’s your Email Clue (Round 1 Question 5): Berger’s Disease!
BONUS 10 (email or tell me the answer before the game starts): If a cowboy rode into town on Sunday, stayed at the Wagon Wheel Inn for 3 nights, then rode out of town on Sunday…How can this be?
See you all TONIGHT!!!
Tuesday May 7th 2019
It’s Not “Gonna Be May,” It IS May. And We Are Rollin’ With OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15PM. Come WIN a $30 Gift Cert, $20 Gift Cert, or a $10 Gift Cert!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! As for me, turns out my CAR needs a new ENGINE! It’s at 57,000 miles, still under 60,000, so WHEW! it’s under warranty. So good news is, I got me a new engine…I guess? Trying to be optimistic here. And also being self-serving! What About TRIVIA, JIMMY?!?! Well, let’s start off with our winners from last week…CONGRATULATIONS!
We’ve got an APRIL CHAMPION OF THE MONTH–which is the team with the most points for the entire 5 week run of April–so we will announce and MAYBE present their trophy to them. They’ve already got their BOTTLE that they get to drink from for FREE until it’s gone (is it gone? Nah, they’ll savor every drop I bet!)
So let’s talk about TONIGHT’S GAME! It’s FAMOUS FACES, SPORTS, PUZZLE ROUND, and a unique MUSIC ROUND! It’s gonna be a classic one!
Round 1 Question 5 CLUE: Opera Cake!
EXTRA 10 POINTS: In the, “It’s May” meme above, what music video that picture from?
See you all tonight peoples!!!
Tuesday May 7th 2019
April is just about OVER! But we’ve got OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15PM. Come WIN a $30 Gift Cert, $20 Gift Cert, or a $10 Gift Cert!
Let’s close out April with a bang! Come in and win–like these SUPER SMART peoples!
(See that super cute 1/2 of a Dangly Bit up there? 🙂
Since April is over (and winter, and cold, and all that–right??? Hello SoCal? Wake up!) we have a theme! Our categories are: General Knowledge, Famous Faces, Pop Culture + History, Name That Tune, Movies, and wrapping with General Knowledge. It’s a FUN game tonight so I hope to see you there!
Round 1 Question 5 will be a simple question about the song: Who Let The Dogs Out!
Answer this puzzle for an Extra 10 Points before the game even starts! If 24 + H in a D = 24 hours in a day, what does the following stand for? 31 + F at B R = ?
Tuesday April 23rd 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine is TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15PM. Come WIN a $30 Gift Cert, $20 Gift Cert, or a $10 Gift Cert!
First, second, and third place all get a prize! It could be you! Kinda…like…THESE TEAMS FROM LAST WEEK!
Okay kids, here’s what we’ve got this week. Some good stuff with a Movie Pic Round, Fresh Sports, Name That Tune, and a Wordy Wildcard Round. Yeah, REAL good stuff!
Now here’s your email clue: RIDER CUP POINTS AVAILABLE
Want an extra 10 points? Figure this riddle out: What do you call a bear without an ear?
Looking forward to seeing you all TONIGHT!
Tuesday April 16th 2019
It’s GAME TIME! Game #3 For April. OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine is TONIGHT! Game
Starts at 7:15PM.
It’s another wonderful week in the world of Bar Trivia–and I’m excited to bring it to you! Last week, we had these teams step it up and take the PRIZES!!!
Now, those are some GOOOOOD LOOKIN’ FOLKS right there! Congratulations and hope you all are back tonight to reclaim your spot 🙂
Also, THE TROPHIES ARE HERE! 🙂 Get ready March Champs….
Okay, ,on to this week. Folks, we’ve got a theme! A theme that’s apropos for, well, tonight! Our rounds will be: General Knowledge, Famous Faces, History, Name The Band, and a unique Wildcard Round (kinda puzzle-like, kinda trivia-like). So, bring on the email clue!
EMAIL CLUE: The Loki from Norse mythology…hmmm, what kind of God is he?
EXTRA 10 (answer via email or tell me tonight): What two homophones are described here – -> “A Dogs Feet…Hold On A Second!”
If I see you tonight, I’ll be seeing you tonight!
Tuesday April 9th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine is TONIGHT! Game Starts at 7:15PM – So BRING IT!!!
Howdy Folks! Get ready for a fantastic 6 rounds of awesome trivia fun! Is it easy tonight? Difficult? I DON’T KNOW! Come play to find out…here are last weeks winners!
A HUGE shout out to our birthday girl that night – EMILY! So glad your friends and fam came out to play TRIVIA.
This week it’s a Non-People Picture Round, a Sports + History combo platter, Name That Tune, aaaaaaaaaaaand a PUZZLE ROUND! Kind of a new puzzle type…kinda not. You’ll see!
PLUS, our March Champions get their TROPHY PRESENTATION!!! Soooooooo regal…
UGH. Just got this text this morning…
Sorry Monthly Champs…it will be next week 🙁
Here’s your email clue: Cryptozoology
And here’s your extra 10 point puzzle: Is an older one-hundred dollar bill worth more than a newer one?
See you tonight my friends! Can’t wait!!!
Tuesday April 2nd 2019
It’s About Time We Hit 80°! Welcome to April PLAYAHS! OC Trivia LIVE! Brings You The Best Team Trivia in Orange County. Let’s play.
Your host, Jimmy Loram, turned DOWN the heat this week, ha ha. I hope your brain survived the last few. Now, here are the WINNERS from last week!
Congrats to the March Monthly Champions:
What a TEAM! The team to beat, folks…who’s gonna BRING IT this month?
It all starts tonight with a little more FUN and a little less BRAIN PAIN. <–I’m guessing here…I’m wrong a lot. We will see. No real “theme” happening, but we’ve got categories that focus on Women, Famous Faces, History, Movies (yes, movies) and Band Names.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE. This refers to Round 1 Question 5: FRUITLANDS
Here’s your EXTRA 10. Answer this before the game (email or tell me): Which letter is missing in this sequence? E, O, E, R, E, X, N, ?, E, N
It’s going to be a BEAUTIFUL night out on the Umami Burger patio! Come play!
Tuesday March 26th 2019
This is the End…..of MARCH. Week 4 at Umami Burger Irvine With OC Trivia LIVE! Irvine Spectrum at 7:15PM Tonight! Monthly Champions Crowned!
Tonight will be challenging at times, easy at times, but super FUN the ENTIRE time! I’ll explain after we see the WINNERS from last week!
Great job teams! Hope you’re back this week to knock out some more wins for your group!
This week, we’re all over the place with barely a theme, but that’s okay because it’s a GREAT GAME. Non-Human Picture Round! Relevant Sports! Name That Tune! And an actual MOVIE ROUND that’s PUZZLE-ORIENTED! Yes. It’s movies. I promise ha ha.
Okay enough clues…no more advantages for you. Oh wait…there’s more!
EMAIL CLUE: OC City AKA Big Strawberry
10 POINT PUZZLE: (Tell me the answer via email or before we start tonight)
What letter is missing and in which group does it belong?
Hope you can come tonight because you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and dog-gonnit, people like TRIVIA! 🙂
Tuesday March 19th 2019
It’s March Week 3 And OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine Spectrum at 7:15PM Tonight-And We’re Going Big, Baby!
Got a great game with big points–and no WHAMMY’S! Let’s check out last week’s big big winners!
LOOK at those MUGS! Congrats teams! This week, we’ve got Famous Faces (mostly), Traveling the US, a Bonus Wildcard Round, and Name The Band or Artist! Lot’s of pictures, ha ha, so I hope you’re ready to have a fun and challenging night of OC Trivia LIVE!
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Birdseye’s first name.
Here’s a way to earn an EXTRA 10 POINTS: What movie mash-up is this? Stiller and Diaz Finally Fall In Love + Blunt Comes Back With A Classic. <————————–Tell me the answer via email or before we start the game!
See you tonight people!!!
Tuesday March 12th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! At Umami Burger Irvine Spectrum at 7:15PM Tonight…WEEK 2!
Excited to bring you another stellar round of 6 rounds–of Orange County TEAM TRIVIA! If you’re coming tonight, you’ll see the trophy presentation, we’ve got clues below…but first, Johnny, show us last weeks winners!
Welcome Back Tide Snaccs! And Congrats. The rest of you, don’t be green with envy, it’s your chance to win $30 for first, $20 for second, and $10 for third. Tonight, it’s Famous People, Name The Musical Artist, Sports, but ACTUAL trivia for the Wildcard (sorry, puzzle fans).
Here’s round 1 question 5’s CLUE:
7′ Pool Table Dimensions
Want an extra 10 points? TELL ME the answer (email me or tell me tonight before the game starts) to THIS:
What Does This Represent: G.W. T.J. T.R. A.L.
Good Luck and I truly hope to see you tonight!
Tuesday March 5th 2019
HAPPY MARCH! Spring is Here Soon–But Awesome Trivia is Here TONIGHT!
It’s Tuesday Night Trivia with OC Trivia LIVE! @ Umami Burger Irvine! I’ll be sharing Round 1 Question 5 and a way to earn extra points in a minute, but first, how about checking out last weeks winners?
Congrats ALSO to our MARCH CHAMPIONS OF THE MONTH for carrying the most points for the entire month…
HOORAY TO YOU! Congrats on your bottle of whiskey that you get to make your own specialty drinks! And your trophy will be here on Week 2 of March.
Now on to tonight’s big game. We are talking a pretty standard straight-forward format to kick off the month. Famous Pictures, History, Name That Tune, and Movies! And our theme is of course the month of March! (or at least “part of it.”)
Round 1 Question 5 CLUE is: DENNIS TITO
Earn an EXTRA 10 points! If your clue is MLB: CATFISH _____ PENCE, add HUNTER to make Catfish Hunter + Hunter Pence, two MLB ball players. What’s the answer for this one? STEPHEN ______ STUBBS
See you tonight for all the fun and the best trivia in Orange County!
Tuesday February 26th 2019
TONIGHT IS GONNA BE GOOOOOOD! You do NOT want to miss it!
Why? Because the competition is FIERCE! 4 teams are battling it out for our FEBRUARY Monthly Champions. Plus, we’ve got a great game…but first, say HI to last weeks BIG WINNERS:
Don’t forget that 1st place gets a $30 Gift Certificate! 2nd gets a $20 Gift Certificate and 3rd gets a $10 Gift Certificate.
Onto tonight’s game. Here are the teams currently in the running for February’s Top Team:
- Happy Hour Should Last Until 7:30PM
- Maple Syrup
- Jimmy’s Favorite Team
- Wingin’ It
And yes, this is the current placement, so it’s Happy Hour’s month to lose (no pressure ha ha). We will see how you do with these categories…along with a large dose of guidance from me on what to think about. You’re welcome!
The Theme: TRAVEL (for a few of the rounds anyway)
We’ve got a Picture Round (not faces!), a very fun Puzzle Wildcard Round, Name The Band, and…duh duh dunnnnnnh! Sports. Here’s the deal with sports tonight people; if you want this round to be mostly multiple choice in your brains, know your pro teams and their divisions. You’re welcome.
Moving on to your EMAIL CLUE: Impressionism’s Main Man
And for an EXTRA 10 points, answer this: The single word that fits between OSTRICH____TIMER to make two separate words is EGG which makes OSTRICH EGG and EGG TIMER, get it? Okay then, what word fits here? QUALITY _____ FREAK
Game starts at 7:15PM and I can’t wait to see you there!
Tuesday February 19th 2019
TRIVIA IS BACK! OC Trivia LIVE! Tonight at 7:15pm – Did You Miss Me?
Ugh! I HATED last week. So glad to be back doing what I love (HOSTING) so you can do what YOU love (WINNING!). Last weeks winners are (again) right here!
So let’s talk about this week. I should have done the “RAIN” theme before, but, well, let’s do that now–because NO MORE RAIN for a while sounds good to me…I feel like we can talk about it now. 🙂
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Southwest Airlines Headquarters
And for an EXTRA 10: I’ve removed the vowels…what does this w word sentence say? TRV S FN!
Tuesday February 12th 2019
That’s the BAD news. The good news is, it’s Sports Week so you won’t have to deal with that! And even better news, we will resume next week AS NORMAL with the FUN! I’ll miss you! See you next week! Also, HERE’S LAST WEEKS WINNERS!!!
And if you REALLY need to play trivia, I do have a few videos up on youtube, like this:
HERE’S MORE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9xRYlOKr4pR_QNBsobIqXQ
Tuesday February 5th 2019
OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine Tonight at 7:15pm! HELLOOOO FEBRUARY!
Okay. ENOUGH WITH THE RAIN. The novelty has mos’ def worn off! Still, doesn’t mean we can’t play FREE TEAM TRIVIA! Here are last weeks winners!

Congrats to our teams and especially to the one team that had the most points for January….
Your trophy is coming Thursday, so you’ll get it next week. :-(.
This week is going to be a lot of fun. Famous Faces, Movie Stills, History & Pop Culture, and 3 Word Bands/Artists!
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Brown Windsor
And for an EXTRA 10: What common phrase or thing is this – NA NA MACKEREL
See you all tonight!!!
Tuesday January 29th 2019!
Wrapping Up January With OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine Tonight at 7:15pm!
Hi Friends! Can you believe January is about done? It just means summer is one month closer, so no more of these 75 degree..sunny…perfect days.
Okay, then, here are last weeks WINNERS!
This week, it’s gonna be CRAZY! Crazy Sports Trivia, (not so) Crazy Wildcard, and CRAZY songs for the Music Round.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Which of these animals doesn’t appear in The Nutcracker ballet? Owl, Mouse, Tiger, Hare
For an EXTRA 10 POINTS: Which animal comes next (there is more than one answer): GORILLA ELEPHANT HORSE MOUSE PIG LION CRAB __?__
Alright, see you tonight!
Tuesday January 22nd 2019!
Let’s Play OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine Tonight at 7:15pm!
Are. You. READY?!?! I know I am! Well, almost…a few finishing touches on what is going to be an EPIC night of trivia. But first, here’s last week’s winners!
It was a treacherous rainy night and I appreciate those of you who braved the elements…and for a few of you, it truly paid off!
Now, this week: We’ve got a Wildcard that’s good to the last drop, Name The Band, History through the Decades, aaaaand (let’s be specific) Avengers: Infinity War Characters! (you gonna do so studying? ha ha!).
Round 1 Question 5: The most liked Instagram photo.
EXTRA 10: Solve this wordquation: 1 = W on a U
Tell me the EXTRA 10 answer before we start for 10 bonus points.
Tuesday January 15th 2019!
It’s Time For OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine TONIGHT at 7:15pm!
Hey peoples! Glad you’re here! It’s GAME TIME. Here are last weeks winners!
Congratulations to these amazing teams!
This week, it’s Sports, Puzzles, Name That Tune, and an entire OC Trivia Round!
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Cygnets
Here’s your EXTRA 10: You think WE’VE got a lot of rain, what US state is the rainiest?
I’m so happy you take the time to come play at Umami Burger! Looking forward to tonight’s game – SEE YOU SOON!
Tuesday January 8th 2019!
HERE WE GO AGAIN! Happy New Year…Let’s PLAY OC Trivia LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine TONIGHT at 7:15pm!
Hey friends! Yeah, so awesome…we are BACK! Our latest winners are from LAST YEAR! Okay, it was a few weeks ago, but here they are again:
Let’s talk about TONIGHT’S game. We’ve got Round 5 MOVIES, Round 4 Music (Name The Band), and a Picture Round to pair up with the rest of the rounds.
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: The “Dream” Vitamin
And for an EXTRA 10: When is the next Leap Year?
Tuesday December 25th and January 1st
No Trivia For Two Weeks Due To The Holidays 🙁
I know, I’m sad too. I’ll miss all you of you! But here’s the GOOD NEWS: Last week’s winners will be posted for TWO WEEKS! Here ya go!
I hope you have a very very merry Christmas and a fun, safe, and prosperous New Years! See you in 2019!
Twas The WEEK Before Xmas…So Let’s Play LIVE TRIVIA at Umami Burger Irvine starting at 7:15PM tonight!
Howdy Folks!
It’s TNT – Tuesday Night Trivia at Umami and you’re invited to play for free to win this:
And this happens every week, like, check out these winners:
Now, this week, we’re doing some Christmas Trivia (of course), playing Finish the Lyrics, and having a big Picture Round. It’s going to be a blast!
Next Tuesday: NO TRIVIA because it’s Dec. 25th. I guess it’s a big holiday or something?
Here’s your FREE POINTS!
EMAIL CLUE: Stendhal Syndrome
EXTRA 10: What word is used to describe solving complex human problems with cues from the natural world?
Have fun with that one–and have some fun TONIGHT! See you soon!
Tuesday December 11th 2018
Let’s Play TRIVIA! It’s LIVE! at Umami Burger Irvine starting at 7:15PM tonight!
Hey friends! I hope you’re in the mood, because I’ve got a GREAT game (with 1 Christmas Round) tonight. First here are last weeks WINNERS!
Lookin’ good winners! As for this week, we’ve got Famous Faces, Sports, Name That Tune, and a Christmas-related Round 5.
And to ADD to the fun, we’re doing KARAOKE right after the game! No, you don’t HAVE to sing, but you are welcome to do it!
Here’s your EMAIL CLUE: Fear of Fog.
And for an EXTRA 10: What do you have in December that’s not found in any other month?
Email me or tell me the answer to the EXTRA 10 before the game.
Looking forward to seeing you soon for tonight’s game!!!
Tuesday December 4th 2018
NEW MONTH! OC Trivia LIVE! 7:15pm Tonight at Umami Burger Irvine! HO HO HO
Welcome to December! Got your Christmas Shopping done!?!? Fuggetaboutit…let’s play TRIVIA instead. Here are last weeks WINNERS:
Congrats to our winning teams. And our November Monthly Champs…It’s a REPEAT!
Great job team! Maple Syrup gets to drink from a bottle of Red Berry Vodka for FREE until it’s gone!
Okay on to this weeks fun…we got a THREE theme goin’ on with a Non-Celebrity Pic Round, History, Name The Band, and a quick easy Wildcard Round that’s gonna be OTH (Off The Hook, he he he).
Also, we made some actual Gift Certs for you winners now–much better and SATISFYING winning them!
EMAIL CLUE: What they speakin’ in Haiti?
EXTRA 10: The comedian performing this weekend at the Irvine Improv is best known from what sitcom?
See you tonight peoples!
Tuesday Nov. 27th 2018
OC Trivia LIVE! starts at 7:15pm Tonight at Umami Burger Irvine – It’s TRIVIA TIME!
Hey Kids, what time is it? It’s TRIVIA TIME. So let’s play, but first here’s last weeks winners!
Tuesday Nov. 20th 2018
OC Trivia LIVE! starts at 7:15pm Tonight at Umami Burger Irvine! You Comin’?
(email the answer or tell me before the game starts)