Why I Support The NFL And It’s Players – As Someone Who Reveres The American Flag

Team Trivia Night

I do not like the NFL players disrespecting the flag by not standing during the anthem.  They need to cut that crap ASAP.  I think it shows lack of respect for America, the flag, and the military.  It is a spit in the face of the freedom these players have and obviously take for granted.  It is an incredibly weak display that disrespects the sacrifices made by thousands to keep America the beacon of light and hope that it is today.  It actually makes me care LESS about their message. So, if they are trying to bring to light a cause or purpose, it’s getting “lost in translation.”  Personally, I think they need to switch gears and find another way to spread the word about whatever they are trying to get across because not standing for the national anthem is WRONG.

Even so, I still support the NFL and it’s players.  All it’s players.  Except Kaepernick.  He’s a cop-hating tool who deserves to fail.  I digress.

Here are the reasons why I will continue to watch NFL games.

  1.  I’m an American.  The last thing I want is for an American business, let alone an institution like the NFL, to fail.  Why?  Because without the NFL, EVERYBODY suffers.  Not just the players, owners, and staff, but the little guys, too.  The concession stand workers, the ushers, the drivers, the grounds crew, and all the American businesses that depend on the NFL will feel the pain.  Let’s not hurt our neighbors who need the NFL to survive.

  2. Supporting the NFL and it’s players by watching games does not mean you approve of their behavior.  Leaving the game as a spectator is your choice, but those who continue to watch shouldn’t be chastised over it.  As a matter of fact, we need to PACK the stadiums full of flag-loving Americans so they can hear us when we don’t like something.  And seriously, NFL players have beat their wives, among other crimes, and you still watched.  Do you condone that behavior?  Of course not.  So let’s do this.  They kneel, we boo.  Then we watch football.
  3. I selfishly love watching the games–and what it stands for.  I admit, I just don’t want to sacrifice watching football.  Any football fan will tell you, it’s where we go to forget about our problems and just have fun.  It’s our “safe space.”  It’s where the Raiders and Chiefs fans, Packers and Lions fans, left and right, Christian and atheist, the “placing the toilet paper roll to dispense from the front or from behind” people can get together in one room, get hyped and emotional, feel joy, anger, and sorrow, and not hurt each other.  Even high-five and hug each other!  I don’t want to make you ill, but can you picture a Trump supporter and Hillary supporter in an embrace?  I know, gross–but I bet it happened this weekend.  It’s the great equalizer, where we hate their team and not them personally.  When the game is going, politics is nowhere in sight.  And we are TOGETHER as Americans.

So what should we do?

We all know that money talks.  If you really want to make an impact on the disrespectful players and owners, hurt one of their revenue streams.  Let’s simply let the NFL sponsors and advertisers know that we will not use their products and services as long as NFL players are disrespecting the flag.  Sponsors will pull out, the NFL and it’s owners will “see the light” and then we will see change.  Companies that buy advertising will still buy it, they will just go somewhere else with their millions.  Turning off the games hurts a lot of people.  Turning away from the sponsors hurts the NFL decision-makers.

This post isn’t about the actual reasons behind the protests or their right to do so.  There’s a deep, deep rabbit hole we will end up buried in if we go into the players and their message, the actual stats of their claims, and who is right or wrong, so let’s end this here.  Let all Americans that hold reverence with the flag lead by example.  We will stand, hand over heart, as one nation, respecting our not so perfect nation that’s still the greatest on planet Earth.  Because this flag will live on and flourish long after these NFL players are retired has-beens (probably still thriving on the freedoms of which the flag represents).

And besides, my Detroit Lions are finally looking good!  (but they are going to break my heart again, aren’t they?).

Also, it rolls from the FRONT, not behind!  Look up the patent!

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